Saturday, August 30, 2014

Super Junior reveals they don’t mind losing popularity to EXO

In the press conference held for the release of their 7th album, “MAMACITA”, Super Junior revealed their thoughts on the rising popularity of their junior labelmates, EXO.
When asked if they ever felt threatened by EXO’s popularity, leader Leeteuk said, “Rather than feeling threatened, we are actually quite happy to see them doing so well. I was the MC at EXO’s debut showcase, and also watched them win first place from the living halls (when I was in the army). When they achieved first place, I felt good too.
I strongly believe that no one can be number one forever, and no one can be in last place forever. Rather than who wins over whom, being able to have promotions together is a better thing," he said.
It would be nice if people remembered we are the seniors and gave us slightly better treatment!" he joked.
If we were to lose our popularity to anyone, losing it to EXO would be better,” Kangin added, showing the camaraderie between the SM seniors and juniors.
Super Junior recently made a comeback with “MAMACITA”, with its music video reaching 2.7 million views in just 24 hours. This album also marks Leeteuk’s first official comeback after being discharged from the army
Source:  Koreaboo                                                                                                                                                                             

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